Remote Computer Clean-ups…what is that?

You may see different computer companies advertising remote clean ups for your computer. You may be asking, what is a remote clean up? Is it safe? Can anyone come into my computer now? Well, I hope to try to clear some of your questions up.

Everyone knows what a slow computer does to your mood. You have a great job you found on Monster but now your resume wont upload. Your web browser is not moving fast between pages. You are bidding on something you have wanted off Ebay but the page wont load. Clicking on Microsoft Word and Outlook express takes forever to open.

If you clean up your computer regularly it will help you with all these frustrations. Taking “cookies” and temporary files and getting rid of them helps. Cleaning up special folders that holds junk and defragmenting helps. Checking your updates from Microsoft and your anti-virus helps. Even cleaning up Malware helps.

But what if you are not comfortable doing this yourself? What if you don’t have a time for a technician to come in and spend and hour or so in your home? What if there was a product that you can install so that someone can go into your computer and do all these things without you being there? Sounds scary to you?

Let me help you relieveyour fears. I can only speak for Friendly Computers but believe most computer companies work in the same manner. We can have you download a small program that will allow a tech to come into your computer. While we are in there, we will clean up your system, check out the specs on the computer (such as RAM speed and Processor speed). We can even download a malware remover program to scan out any you may have picked up.

When it is over, you have the full ability to turn it off (or disable it). Once disabled, your computer will not allow anyone in back in. You would have to turn it on and then give the user on the other end permission to do so. If you feel unsafe even still, you can always remove the program right after being serviced.

If you still don’t like the idea of someone being in your computer remotely, you can always sit and watch what the technician does. One reason is that you can learn what you need to do for computer yourself and two you can actually see them go in and do what it is they are supposed to do.

Hopefully you deal with a computer company that is licesned and insured and recommended by other people in your neighborhood, family or friends. Friendly Computers Charlotte will only do what it is needed and will not take vital information from your machine. We care about your data and will do all to protect it!

Please like always, ask any questions you may have or make any comments you have to make.

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